intimate group workshops that take your creative business to the next level.

coming soon.

Join us for dynamic group discussions on themes like photography, content creation, landing brand deals, pricing strategies, authentic storytelling, creative living, and so much more. Grab a cuppa & get ready to learn!

  • Connect with like-minded creatives in a supportive and collaborative environment. Our group sessions are designed to foster networking, idea-sharing, and mutual encouragement, helping you build lasting relationships within the creative community.

  • Each session delves deep into specific topics, providing you with valuable insights and practical tips. From mastering photography techniques to negotiating brand deals, you'll gain the knowledge you need to elevate your creative endeavours.

  • Our sessions offer an accessible way to receive coaching that doesn't involve a big investment. You'll leave each workshop feeling inspired and equipped with actionable strategies to enhance your creative journey, all at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one coaching.


  • "Coffee + Creativity" group sessions are online workshops run by our team of 4 creatives, where we discuss various themes around photography, content creation, landing brand deals, pricing strategies, authentic storytelling, and creative living. Each session includes a presentation on the topic and a live Q&A segment.

  • Once you sign up for a session, you'll receive an email with a link to join the online call. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a device with a camera and microphone.

  • No worries! All sessions are recorded, and you'll receive a replay link so you can watch the session at your convenience.

  • Yes! The second half of each session is dedicated to a live Q&A where you can ask questions related to the topic. It is up to you how much or little you would like to participate in the group discussion.

  • Absolutely. Our sessions are designed to be informative and beneficial for creatives of all levels, whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills.

  • It is an investment of $50 AUD per group call. We aim to make these sessions affordable while providing high value.

  • Once paid, the sessions are non-refundable. However, you will always have access to the recording if you cannot attend live.

  • Each group session lasts approximately 60 minutes, with the first half dedicated to the topic discussion and the second half for the live Q&A.

  • To ensure an intimate, quality experience and ample opportunity for Q&A, each session may have a participant limit. We suggest booking your ticket early to avoid disappointment.

  • Definitely! We welcome suggestions and are always looking to cover topics that are most relevant and helpful to our community. Feel free to contact us with your ideas.

To be the first to know about any upcoming Coffee + Creativity sessions sign up below…